
Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Check out the new vid. The song has been out for a while and he performed it at the Video Music Awards so he had to make a video. A video that he premiered on the ellen show.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Bored Sitting in IS&T Class, listening to Solomon about access. World I kno its been a while since I blogged and i am mad sorry. I had mad shit to do and school work since im back at college. But just wanted to tell you what I did in my spare time today between Classes.


Yeah I kno im grown but sometimes we got to be a kid again. But I think I dropped down to a little baby lol.
I was so amazed on the concept of the theme of the show which was UP and DOWN. Dont think perverted but it was a good show. I lerned about the many things that go up and down like a yo yo, someone on a swing and slide, airplane, air ballon, and I lot more. Very Educational lol.
THe funniest part of the show was when the Elephant Elevator Operater was showing how the elevator went up and down. Nice that it can go up and down but there was no god damn space for anywone else since the elephant was so big takin up all the space.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rest In Peace Bernie Mac

Funny Man, hate to see you go!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Everbody Nose Remix Video

The men in the game finally come out with the vid, Kayne, Pharrell , and Lupe.

Brett Favre Jets